I have no idea if I am elated or terrified. January is always a tough month, money is scarce (very!) and particularly with the current political climate, it can be very easy to get bogged down with 'why bother'-type thoughts.
I am definitely glad that you can feel the lighter nights coming, I am definitely glad that payday for me is getting closer (I get paid the 15th of the month) and I am definitely glad to say that, actually, as far as my New Year's Resolution goes, I haven't been doing that badly.
My NYR was health, in all its forms, so, let's do a quick round up;
| Skin
This was a big one for me, my eczema has really broken out this winter, possibly the worst it has yet. I went to see my GP who allowed me to use hydrocortisone on my face (on a teeny tiny spot) which has cleared up the patch I absolutely could not deal with.
However, one thing I have make a mistake with this year is the changing of my moisturisers. I originally used Imperialus by Lush, and after speaking to a Lush employee, I changed to Celestial. This was mistake number one. It did absolutely nothing for my skin and brought spots out, so in a moment of anger with Lush, I decided that Clinique Moisture Surge Intense was the way to go because that wouldn't let me down. This was mistake number two, but at least now I have learnt that unless there is a medicated option, Lush Imperialus is what I will be putting on my face.
My body skin (sorry, weird way to say that) is currently settling on Nivea Soft as although it does not cure my eczema, it really soothes it and I really like the way it feels on my skin.
| Diet
My diet has definitely improved, after getting chef boyfriend on board, we have had some lovely meals (which I am definitely going to post on here) including; a vegan lentil curry, soy and ginger stir fry, courgetti Bolognese and lots of lovely breakfast smoothies.
| Exercise
Whilst I am definitely not where I want to be, I am definitely on the right track. Ending the year with spinning once a week, I now aim for my exercise DVD once or twice and have just joined PureGym. So here is my commitment to continuing to improve this and hopefully see results!
| Mental
Definitely the most difficult, my mental health is definitely not where I want it to be. The turn into February has definitely seen a change, a more willing to look on the positive side. A couple of things have definitely helped; a big mutual moan on WhatsApp to two of my best friends, de-cluttering some of the house, making plans for when I have a few more pennies and eating better!
Have you done anything to improve your health in January? x
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