In Defense of My Face

29 August 2015

There are things about my face that I am really not keen on. I wouldn't say hate because I don't want to deal in that much negativity. But there are definitely things that I have had to grow to be comfortable with.

I have incredibly hooded lids so eyeliner prints, my mouth curls down at the corner giving me, yep you guessed it, bitchy resting face and my eyelashes are straight and stubborn little buggers against curling.

Now we've got my moaning out of the way, shall we get on to what this article is actually about?

I went for a free(!) Bobby Brown make-up lesson and was given a complete stranger's perspective of my face that has shaken all that I have known for the past twenty five years.

The make-up artist explained my eyelids give a good line to put eye shadow on and should be appreciated, she said that my eye shape was a beautiful almond and should be enhanced and that they were a green, the rarest colour, and so I should celebrate them!

Having a total stranger see all of my flaws as something that I should be proud of made me feel incredible, and yes a little bit emotional because I am hormonal, and if she ever reads this I would like to thank her. Even if she doesn't read this I can thank her next week because she has invited me back to try and smoky eye.

And the skeptics out there may say she was just trying to get me to buy the product but I never felt pressured in anyway and she even agreed with me that for my current state, the products are a bit on the expensive side, and yet still after all this invited me back for round two.

So I am going to embrace what she has given me, a new appreciation for my face, and see her again next week!

Instagram follow @lucymaycairns