Getting older comes with so many benefits, for example see my post Why Turning 26 is Such a Big Deal For Me, however one thing that is becoming more and more apparent in my life is the amount of responsibility that comes with getting older. You've probably all seen the quote that did the rounds online about when you look around for an adult, realise you are an adult, then look for an adultier adult to help you with your problem, but as you grow, you realise that more and more questions you can be answering yourself.
Which is terrifying and exciting in equal measure.
And it only gets more terrifying and exciting as it goes on.
Due to some unforeseen circumstances, I have had to step up at work into a role that is something I have wanted to do for a very long time, and again, due to unpredictable circumstances, I may have a house in the not-too-distant future (are you seeing a pattern here of how unpredictable life can be), and whilst I could not be more excited about either of these things, I do think it is important to stand back, take a minute and admit to myself that I am also a little bit terrified.
So here it is. I am outside my comfort zone with a few things in life, but you know what? It's where all the best things happen and I am just going to breathe.
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