Warner Bros. Studio Tour | AKA Harry Potter Land

9 March 2017

For Christmas, my boyfriend (who was clearly looking for some boyfriend points) bought me a replica Luna Lovegood wand (because #HufflepuffFoLife) and two tickets to the Warner Bros. Studio Tour in Watford.

I have been before, but it has been almost six years (woah) since I went. I went for my 21st birthday and it was quite small compared to what it is now, there wasn't a cafe, only the Starbucks! The entrance hall hasn't really changed, so my excitement levels going into the experience weren't quite as high as the time before when it was all new, but the new sections, including the Hogwarts Express, definitely make up for any trepidation I had! 

With regards to photos, my DSLR camera died very early on into the journey (annoyingly)! The next three photos are DSLR, the rest were taken on my boyfriends Samsung Galaxy Note 5 (which luckily, does not explode).

There is not a whole lot to say about the Warner Bros. Studio Tour, it is as magical and interesting as you would expect, and I would definitely recommend going. The only qualm I had this time is that they were restoring Hogwarts, which is one of the most breath taking sections. Don't get me wrong, I fully understand this happens, but just to see two men on the display as well as scaffolding did take away a bit of the magic.

I very much enjoyed the Hogwarts Express room (the compartments are a lot smaller than expected), and really enjoyed the gift shop; you can never have too much Harry Potter merchandise in my opinion!

I won't say too much more about the day because I wouldn't want to ruin any surprises or give you too much expectation on what the day is about.

I will say, if you can be bothered to queue, Butterbeer is worth a try.

Have you been? x

Instagram follow @lucymaycairns